Miss Griscti’s Classroom

making parents feel apart of our classroom


Welcome to 3rd Grade

Welcome to third grade! Feel free to explore my blog. I look forward to meeting each and everyone of you at Sneak-a-Peek. 🙂

See the source image
Have a great summer,
Miss Griscti


Goodbye to School Year 2018-2019

Hi All,

Thank you all for your support this year. We’ve had a great year together!

As we wrap up the year, I would love to see pictures of the progress your kiddo’s cabbage has made. If you have a picture to share, please send it in an email to me.

Speaking of pictures, next week, I plan on handing out some superlative awards and doing a picture slideshow. If you have any pictures from the year to include, please feel free to email them to me. It’s always fun to look at our year together. Also, I will try to post the slideshow next week under See What We’re Up To. I will a notice when posted.

Again, thank you for a fantastic year. I have enjoyed working with each and everyone of your families. I know all the kiddos will do awesome in fourth grade! Thank you for all you do to help your child be successful! Don’t forget our summer program, Summer Slugger, is now available for your child to play ALL summer long. 🙂

Upcoming Events:

May 20– Reading and Math Celebrations

May 20– Yearbook Signing for 3rd Grade

May 20– PJ Day

May 21 5th Grade Talent Show

May 21 Early Release

May 22– In-House Field Trip

May 22– Early Release

May 22– Last Day of School

Have a great summer,

Miss Griscti

Image result for have a great summer





Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mother’s day! Sorry for the late post.

We had a great day at field day Friday. Thank you to all you parents who came out to volunteer and hang out with the kiddos on Friday for both field day and the garden picnic. Please check out some photos on See What We’re Up To.

Upcoming Dates:

May 13 – MI

May 13 – Reading Touchstone Part 1 

May 13 – Moxie Burger Spirit Night at 5-8pm 

May 14 – Spelling Bee

May 14 – Summer Reading Book Swap

May 15 – Reading Touchstone Part 2

May 15 – Yearbooks Distributed

May 15 – Lassiter Senior Walk

May 17 – Dad’s CarpooI

May 17 – SS Weekly Quiz

May 17 – Reading Quiz

May 17 – Spirit Day

May 17 – Staff Kickball Game

What We Are Learning This Week:

Reading/ELA: How do we write legibly in cursive, leaving spaces between words in sentences? (L1j)


How do we compare and contrast key details in two informational texts? (RI9)

How do we compare and contrast theme, plot, setting, and characters in two literacy texts? (RL9)

Writing: How do we write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events? (W3)

Math: Review

How do we solve two-step word problems using all 4 operations? (OA.8)

Social Studies: 

In Reading:

How do we explain how the physical geography of the Southern colonies helped determine economic activities? (G3)

How do we identify key reasons why the Southern colonies were founded? (H3a)

How do we describe colonial life in America from the perspectives of various people? (H3c)

How do we compare and contrast colonial life? (H3)


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Griscti





May 3, 2019

Happy Friday!

Great news! We have no make-ups for the EOG, so everyone has finished!!

This week we will be participating in 2 STEM projects. One the students have been working on developing an insulator to keep their water bottles cold on field day. Today, they are asked to gather any household items, such as aluminum foil, newspapers, Styrofoam, bubble wrap, etc. that can help them create their insulator next week. The second project we do as a grade level every year – solar ovens. They test them by making Smores outside. We are in need of a few materials. Please sign-up on the Sign-up Genius if you can help:  https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.signupgenius.com%2Fgo%2F904054CACAA229-solar&data=02%7C01%7CAmanda.Griscti%40cobbk12.org%7Ccf2d9644f85542584b4f08d6cff9747f%7C2fce1dfb919f4938aab8c47f0fc9182d%7C0%7C0%7C636925067632704563&sdata=HKK0b%2FCuMwCAaR%2FmPG2QCf78MruLCZm4ne9GFv94J%2BE%3D&reserved=0Materials are needed by Wednesday, May 8th.

Next week, the Media Center is going to begin inventory for the end of the year. Please be sure all books are returned no later than May 10th. Also, May 14th will be the Summer Reading Book Swap from 12:30-2:00.

Upcoming Dates:


May 6 – Math Touchstone (part 1)

May 6 – Heat Quiz

May 8 – Solar Oven STEM Project 

May 8 – Math Touchstone (part 2)

May 9 – Last RI

May 10 – SS Weekly Quiz

May 10 – Field Day **Don’t forget to wear your field day shirt! 

May 10 – Garden Presentation and Picnic **See Flyer here: Garden Invite 5.10.19

What We Are Learning This Week:

Reading/ELA: How do we write legibly in cursive, leaving spaces between words in sentences? (L1j)

Review of all Skills/Strategies

Writing: How do we write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events? (W3)

Math: Review Project: How do we analyze, compare, and classify 2D shapes by their properties and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of the subcategories? (G.1)

How do we solve two-step word problems using all 4 operations? (OA.8)

Social Studies: 

In Reading:

How do we explain how the physical geography of the Middle colonies helped determine economic activities? (G3)

How do we identify key reasons why the Middle colonies were founded? (H3a)

How do we describe colonial life in America from the perspectives of various people? (H3c)


How do we identify sources of heat energy? How do we gather data using thermometers to produce tables and charts that illustrate the effect of sunlight on various objects? How do we construct a device/structure that will increase/decrease the warming effects on sunlight on various materials? (P1)

Last Set of Vocabulary Words:

Red: adopt / arrange / border / deed / fan / flutter / mystify / ordeal / outcome / respect

Orange: attempt / confuse / disaster / entertain / furious / host / inspire / mock / pointless / routine

Have a great weekend,

Miss Griscti




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